El secreto de la nana Jacinta

Title El secreto de la nana Jacinta
Author Estela Roselló Soberón
Publisher SM México
Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie roja
ISBN 9786074710366
Edition number 2
Publication year 2009
Pages 80
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis Bernardo, a Creole boy, suffers because his sister has entered the convent. Jacinta, his nanny, who came to New Spain as a slave, does not want to see him sad and proposes a deal: in order to make him take off his discouraged face, she will tell him three stories (full of pirates, witches, parties and battles) and at the end she will reveal a secret. A section of historical notes makes it possible to distinguish between fact and fiction, and to learn history while enjoying the literary.
foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres
E-mail estela.ruiz.torres@grupo-sm.com

