Adonde no conozco nada

Title Adonde no conozco nada
Author Antonio Malpica
Publisher SM México
Imprint Gran Angular
ISBN 9786072433366
Edition number 2
Publication year 2022
Pages 166
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis Filip's life has one constant: violence. How else can we defend ourselves against people who annoy us or make fun of us? At least that's what he asks himself, until he is given a limit that is also a challenge. Now he will have to take a vacation in Denmark, away from the gangs and the precipice his life is falling into. Three months without a beat in a place where you don't know anything or anyone seems easy. However, it is not for a fourteen-year-old boy who is used to being beaten up and discriminated against.
foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres

