El año terrible

Title El año terrible
Author Tamar Cohen
Publisher SM México
Imprint Gran Angular
ISBN 9786072418059
Edition number 1
Publication year 2015
Pages 128
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis I am a mountaineer who is climbing Everest with the most ultramodern equipment: climbing shoes, harness, helmet, protein bars, water and even a small compass. Suddenly an avalanche, who knows where it came from, sweeps me away and sets me back a day and a half of trekking; I lose everything, even the little mother's compass. And as if that were not enough, it starts snowing, the sun disappears, I'm ten degrees below zero and I have no idea what to do. That's a crisis. Now try moving everything into my bedroom." Dana doesn't want to get out of bed, she doesn't want to eat, she's sad, she cries...she speeds up and shuts down. What's wrong with Dana and why? All the doctors tell her different things and prescribe thousands of medications. Dana is fed up: she will have to be the one to put an end to this unbearable situation... A book that deals with the subject of depression from the very voice of a young woman who experiences it.
foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres
E-mail estela.ruiz.torres@grupo-sm.com

