Donde habitan los ángeles

Title Donde habitan los ángeles
Author Claudia Celis
Publisher SM México
Imprint Gran Angular
ISBN 9786072427167
Edition number 11
Publication year 2017
Pages 128
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis Why does everyone we love in life have to disappear?. Pancho, the protagonist of this novel, asks himself. During the vacations, Pancho and other nephews and nieces of Tacho and Chabela fill the family home in San Miguel with joy. In those brief seasons, the uncles forget the sadness that the death of their son left them. When the vacations come to an end, all the nephews return home, but on one occasion Pancho does not: abandoned by his attractive widowed mother, and after waiting a long time for her, he becomes the son of his uncles.
foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres

