
Title Inbox
Author Care Santos
Publisher SM México
Imprint Novelas juveniles
ISBN 9786072444355
Edition number 1
Publication year 2018
Pages 180
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis I've been thinking for a while how I should start this message. I wrote the first sentence several times, erased it, rewrote it, erased it again.... After much hesitation, Alexia finally gets up the courage to send an e-mail to Benedict Woodward, a famous writer, to confess how much she likes his books and to ask him about his next novel. The first replies she receives are very unfriendly. The author is dry and distant. This does not discourage Alexia, who insists on writing to him without imagining that this innocent exchange of words will lead to a surprising adventure full of secrets and revelations. An adventure in which nothing is what it seems...
foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres

