Enredados. Las redes sociales más allá de los memes

Title Enredados. Las redes sociales más allá de los memes
Author Laura García Arroyo
Publisher SM México
Imprint Informativos
ISBN 9786072418486
Edition number 1
Publication year 2015
Pages 128
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis A new smartphone arrives and we rush to update our social networks. We take a selfie (or twenty), share memes and laugh at "the video that's going around the world". And then? The Internet isn't just for sending photos and doing homework. There are plenty of ways to take advantage of it. One of them is to write, but not as you would do it on paper. Let the author give you a few tips for playing with words in cyberspace, and let her tell you how some of them have a longer history than we think.
foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres
E-mail estela.ruiz.torres@grupo-sm.com

