
Title Ikigai
Author Ezequiel Dellutri; Israel Hernández
Publisher Ediciones El Naranjo
Imprint Ediciones El Naranjo
ISBN 9786078807376
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 160
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s / Teenage personal and social topics: Families and family members
Synopsis "Bruno is not very attached to his grandfather, who is cold and distant. Discovering a me- mory loss condition and a deal between the two of them will unite their ties in the most moving way for whatever time they have left. His love for drawing and his fascination with Japanese animation films will accompany Bruno in his search for answers, and his maturation processes on his exploration of his complex family nucleus. A novel full of emotional moments that conveys to us the frenzy of youth. Undoubtedly a moving and tender story that invites us to look at the past and the future but, above all, to stay in the present."
foreign rights contact Paulina Delgado
E-mail pdelgado@edicioneselnaranjo.com.mx