De vida y vuelta

Title De vida y vuelta
Author Beatriz Berrocal; Fernanda Castro
Publisher Ediciones El Naranjo
Imprint Ediciones El Naranjo
ISBN 9786078807413
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 264
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s / Teenage: Personal and social topics
Synopsis Five teenage friends make a trip to Cyprus eager for new experiences and to have fun. In one of the excursions, they cross the Green Line that has divided the country for years; they arrive in the Turkish part of Nicosia, finding themselves in a high-risk situation that will take them to Syria. Their arrival at a refugee camp will make them discover a situation unknown to them. The contrast between the life they led and the one they will experience will turn this journey into one that they will not want to remember, or will they?
foreign rights contact Paulina Delgado