El viaje de Malka

Title El viaje de Malka
Author Mónica Rodríguez; Alicia Varela
Publisher Ediciones El Naranjo
Imprint Ediciones El Naranjo
ISBN 9786078442706
Edition number 1
Publication year 2018
Pages 48
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s / Teenage personal and social topics: Death and grief
Synopsis Malka’s grandmother has embarked on a long boat trip. Some people tell Malka that she has gone to see God. The girl and her marionette will try find out where her grandmother is. On this journey, she will have many questions and find very few answers. But it will be undoubtedly a transformation journey for her and for its readers.
foreign rights contact Paulina Delgado
E-mail pdelgado@edicioneselnaranjo.com.mx