Te amaba y me chingaste

Title Te amaba y me chingaste
Author Nora de la Cruz
Publisher Editorial NitroPress
Imprint Nitro/Press
ISBN 9786078256976
Edition number 1
Publication year 2021
Pages 144
Format Printed
THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary; Adventure / action fiction; Satirical fiction and parodies
Synopsis At one of the many parties of the false society, Fosca María and Tito Lucio fall in love by accident. She is a music governess, who owns only a cat named Cucurucho and an attic; the other is a drunken marimba player, member of the illustrious Cucufato family. This 19th-century soap-opera takes place between the street gastronomy of Mexico and the customs of the old Russian aristocracy, something Chekhov could have written if he had liked tacos. Fosca and Tito remind us that no matter how much attention we have paid to Ovidio's advice, we have all loved and, yes, we have been screwed at times.
foreign rights contact Lilia Barajas Martínez
E-mail editorial.nitropress@gmail.com

