Isla en rojo

Title Isla en rojo
Author Rafael Grillo; Juan Pablo Noroña; Ernesto Pérez Chang; Raúl Flores Iriarte; Lorenzo Lunar; Zulema de la Rúa Fernández; Víctor Hugo Pérez Gallo; Marcial Gala; Yoss; Mariam Diéguez Sánchez; Denis Álvarez Betancourt; Lázaro Alfonso Días Cala; Marlen López Mora; Yonnier Torres; Iris Rosales; Jorge Enrique Lage; Vladimir Hernández Pacín; Carlos César Muñoz García del Pino; David Alforso Hermelo; Elaine Vilar Madruga; Miguel Terry Valdespino
Publisher Editorial NitroPress
Imprint Nitro/Press
ISBN 9786078256983
Edition number 1
Publication year 2021
Pages 240
Format Printed
THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary; Anthologies: general; Contemporary horror and ghost stories
Synopsis Never before have the nights of Havana looked as dangerous as in these short stories written in third millennium Cuba. Selected by writer Raphael Grillo, they bring together renowned authors (Lorenzo Lunar, Yoss, Marcial Gala, Jorge E. Lage, Raúl Flores, Miguel Terry Valdespino, among others) in a spectrum of genres ranging from pure terror to humor, or from science fiction to local color. This volume is part of a trilogy that aims to explore the Cuban literary production of recent years influenced by popular genres and give the reader a pleasant and attractive book.
foreign rights contact Lilia Barajas Martínez

