Llama la sangre

Title Llama la sangre
Author Adán Medellín
Publisher Editorial NitroPress
Imprint Nitro/Press
ISBN 9786078805273
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 128
Format Printed
THEMA Crime and mystery: hard-boiled crime, noir fiction; Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary; Short stories
Synopsis Stories with a literary approach to violence, loneliness, redemption, family conflicts, and mental disorders using tools from the narratives of noir and the supernatural, apocryphal biography, etc. Framed both in large cities and in small towns in Mexico, the main epigraph of the volume (Genesis 4:10) generates the title of the book following the exalted response of the Judeo-Christian God to Cain after the murder of Abel, a timeless cry for justice before the first fratricidal violence, an image that encompasses daily violent acts and their disastrous consequences in our country.
foreign rights contact Lilia Barajas Martínez
E-mail editorial.nitropress@gmail.com

