Flor de un día

Title Flor de un día
Author Grassa Toro, Carlos
Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
Imprint Alboroto ediciones
ISBN 9786079972363
Edition number 1
Publication year 2022
Pages 114
Format Printed
THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction
Synopsis Sébastien is not alone, an anarchist is never alone. To say otherwise is pure propaganda. He is accompanied by Claudette, an actress at the Théâtre de L’Oeuvre, granddaughter of Claude Bernard, who was director of the Jardin des Plantes and granddaughter of her grandmother, who lost her name forever the day she married Dr. Bernard. Claudette smells of magnolia and earth, Sébastien lets the knife reflect the face of his beloved before carving on the bark of the beech tree: God is dead. Next week they will try again. In revolutions there is always a week to come, a year to come, a tomorrow.
foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez
E-mail monica@alborotoediciones.com

