El bolso

Title El bolso
Author Ferrada, María José
Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
Imprint Alboroto ediciones
ISBN 9786079927745
Edition number 1
Publication year 2020
Pages 32
Format Printed
THEMA Illustrated storybooks
Synopsis Read this book with your eyes closed! To discover the treasure of The Purse delve into this book as if you are reaching into a bag to uncover what’s inside. The basic concept is the accessible notion of going through a bag without looking. The joy of this book is an invitation for visually able and visually impaired readers to read together. The lyrical rhythm of the language corresponds to the touchable images, and the reduced text, simple graphics, tactile images and braille transform a humble format into a charming product that rejoices in the everyday. The inclusion of the Braille alphabet inspires everyone to read this book through the medium of touch, and this simple act makes it particularly special
foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez
E-mail monica@alborotoediciones.com

