Cuadro de 100. Guía para su uso en el salón de clase

Title Cuadro de 100. Guía para su uso en el salón de clase
Author Virginia Ferrari; Roberto Markarian
Publisher Correo del Maestro, S.A. de C.V.
Imprint Correo del Maestro, S.A. de C.V.
ISBN 9786079537418
Edition number 1
Publication year 2010
Pages 96
Format Printed
THEMA Educational purpose qualifiers
Synopsis "The 100 chart. A guide for use in the classroom The 100 chart is a support tool for learning and teaching mathematical concepts. Children can carry out a variety of activities that allow them to observe the regularities and relationships that are presented in the two chart formats: 0-99 or 1-100."
foreign rights contact Etna Salvador

