Antología de Enrique Dusse. La Filosofía de la Liberación

Title Antología de Enrique Dusse. La Filosofía de la Liberación
Author Dussel Ambrosini, Enrique Domingo; Bautista Segales, Juan José; Colmenares Lizárraga, Katya
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9786078683628
Edition number 1
Publication year 2021
Pages 992
Format Printed
THEMA Critical philosophy
Synopsis This anthology shows the fundamental thesis of the Philosophy of Liberation as a thinking that arises from a locus enuntiationis (place of enunciation) located in the exterior, on the geopolitical, cultural, economic, political, military periphery of the global South, with an active position in living in a dependent, neocolonial world. As an act of decolonizing rebellion, the Philosophy of Liberation observed in dominated peoples, excluded from modern civilization—and, therefore, from its thought—the opportunity to display a broader horizon than that of mere Eurocentrism. Starting from world history, Dussel situates philosophical thinking from the otherness of the Other, nothingness, non-being, “the widow, the orphan, the stranger” (as Hammurabi describes them in his Babylonian code of law) and the poor, an alterity from which criticism can be made of any system (economic, political, epistemological, philosophical, gender, cultural, racial, etc.) that closes on itself. Dussel is inspired by his favorite authors (Latin American and European, from Salazar Bondy or Freire to Sartre or Heidegger, including Hinkelammert, Levinas, Zea, Ricoeur or Benjamin) and subsumes them in a new decolonizing and critical discourse. The result is not only a new vision of world history, but also new philosophical categories that are refined, specified, as the debates, the years, and the existential places from which one thinks. The intercultural interpellation of indigenous peoples is strengthening the original theses of the Philosophy of Liberation. This work is dedicated in memory of Dr. Juan José Bautista (+2021), who left us too soon, and his wife Dr. Katya Colmenares who prepared this anthology and wrote its introduction.
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos

