Después de Zapata. El movimiento jaramillista y los orígenes de la guerrilla en México (1940-1962)

Title Después de Zapata. El movimiento jaramillista y los orígenes de la guerrilla en México (1940-1962)
Author Padilla, Tanalís; Rayas Velasco, Lucía
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9786079564124
Edition number 1
Publication year 2015
Pages 328
Format Printed
THEMA Collective accounts of events
Synopsis As an agrarian martyr, Zapata became the spiritual leader of the peasants in Mexico. Part history, part legend, their fight went beyond the acts to keep alive the defense of the lands and the rights achieved. However, its symbolism, like that of the Revolution, was adopted by the State to legitimize a system of abuses that contravened the achievements of the armed struggle and led to new movements in defense of workers and peasants.
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos

