La comuna mexicana

Title La comuna mexicana
Author Bosteels, Bruno
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9786078683710
Edition number 1
Publication year 2021
Pages 320
Format Printed
THEMA Socialismo y sistemas relacionados
Synopsis Mexico, 1521; Paris, 1871. What these dates summarize are not only violent stories, marked by brutal repressions at the end of each episode, they also contain in their resistance a concern for the potential explosion of the common—an explosion whose political form would be, precisely, the commune. Beyond or here of the workers massacred 150 years ago, or the Aztecs killed 500 years ago, what this book proposes to build is a partial history of that underground tradition of communal rebellions in Mexico. Bruno Bosteels traces the survival of a social form whose aspirations, if we follow Marx's most cited texts, were embodied in the Paris Commune and verified in Russia. However, Marx also wrote about Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco, and based on these ethnological notes, Bosteels recovers a communal tradition that remained firm throughout the colonial era and was present in the Mexican Revolution. If the calpulli was its first form, experiences such as those of Morelos, Acapulco and Edendale, to Chiapas and currently Cherán, prove that in Mexico the communal, more than a suspended time or an exceptional moment, opens an expansive form that escapes what It is thought to be immovable: an obstinacy that, through multiple isolated outbreaks, traces its path as a political ideal.
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos

