El lawfare. Golpes de Estado en nombre de la ley

Title El lawfare. Golpes de Estado en nombre de la ley
Author Fernández Noroña, José Gerardo Rodolfo; Serrano Jiménez, Pascual ; Tirado Sánchez, Arantxa
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9786078683642
Edition number 1
Publication year 2021
Pages 256
Format Printed
THEMA Civil and Political Rights
Synopsis The wave of leftist governments that characterized Latin America and the Caribbean since the end of the 20th century formed a geopolitical map adverse to the interests of the US public-private sector in the region. To change the correlation of forces, lawfare or judicial war has entered the scene, an apparently democratic mechanism in accordance with the law, for which that undermine the power, image and chances of re-election of the left's leaders. Little is said, however, about the origin of lawfare as a military strategy, framed in a broad-spectrum war, today called hybrid war, which seeks, through the combination of judicial, media, political or economic operations, the reconfiguration of hemispheric geopolitics. If in previous decades the blows The classic state policies served to prevent the ruling left from deploying its political agenda from the institutions or even occupying them, today lawfare exercises the same function, but taking refuge in legality and maintaining democratic appearances. We are witnessing, then, the paradoxical demolition of the rule of law in the name of law. But this threat is not limited to Latin American territory, which, as so many times before, has continued to be a testing laboratory. Once the "effectiveness" of this new system tool has been confirmed, what prevents it from being applied in other countries? And there are very close signs that point in this direction.
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos
E-mail jorge.betanzos@akal.com

