Colonialidad, género y democracia

Title Colonialidad, género y democracia
Author Mendoza, Breny
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9786078898077
Edition number 1
Publication year 2023
Pages 264
Format Printed
THEMA Colonization
Synopsis The essays collected in this book are constituted from conversations that the author has with different traditions of decolonial thought from both the North and the South. They bring into dialogue authors and currents of thought that are usually geographically and linguistically distanced, or that have been artificially separated to place Northern Europe as the only reference in the history of coloniality. In the process, not only theories and concepts, belief systems and prejudices that have contaminated the story of colonization are demystified, but the self-narratives that Europeans have woven of their own history are also questioned. Coloniality, gender and democracy addresses themes that revolve around the author's central concerns, such as the origins of democracy and the modern-State in the colonial fact, the role of gender in the constitution of colonial power and the contributions of decolonial feminism. especially from its indigenous side, which, according to Mendoza, offers one of the most complex and subversive theories of Western feminism. It also explores issues such as the Anthropocene or the ecological crisis, and the way in which they are conceived in areas such as postmodernism, posthumanism and various decolonial theories. To conclude, a feminist manifesto is presented as a way to move from critical theory to action, from despair to decolonial hope.
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos

