El hechicero de la tribu. Vargas Llosa y el liberalismo en América Latina

Title El hechicero de la tribu. Vargas Llosa y el liberalismo en América Latina
Author Boron, Atilio Alberto; Ramb Hughes, Ana María
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9786079818593
Edition number 1
Publication year 2019
Pages 240
Format Printed
THEMA Political ideologies
Synopsis To be fruitful, criticism must not attack a man, but rather work on ideas. The strength of the present analysis arises from the example that Atilio Boron (Buenos Aires, 1943) provides to his readers: the beauty in the discourse should not distract us from the approach or the arguments (if they exist). It is under this conviction that before us—and without anesthesia—a political dismantling is carried out with rigor and demand, at the level of a legend. Thus, with the intention of entering the core of Vargas Llosa, we start from his praise of the neoliberal system—of which he has become a great public defender—to discover a long-winded person close to power and its ideology, a disseminator hidden behind the branches of literature and the Latin American boom. Boron himself points it out: “Despite his elemental and tendentious handling of the categories and theories of political analysis, or perhaps due to the mastery with which he handles sophistry and 'post-truths', Vargas Llosa is a fundamental piece in the "massive device of 'brainwashing' and conservative propaganda that is so carefully practiced by the ruling classes of the metropolises and their henchmen in the periphery."
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos
E-mail jorge.betanzos@akal.com

