Política y geopolítica para rebeldes, irreverentes y escépticos

Title Política y geopolítica para rebeldes, irreverentes y escépticos
Author Augusto Zamora
Publisher EdicionesAkal México
Imprint AKAL
ISBN 9788416842247
Edition number 3
Publication year 2018
Pages 440
Format Printed
THEMA policy
Synopsis New edition of a book that, in just over a year, has become a reference in the field of geopolitical analysis, with new materials on what happened around Iran, Turkey, Syria, Libya, the United States, Russia and China . We receive more information than ever, and yet it is also more conditioned than ever, since the constitution of a media oligopoly means that said information has a clear bias that serves the interests of its owners. And this fact is reflected with particular harshness in the field of politics and geopolitics, where the global vision of a world divided between "good" (neoliberals) and "bad" (everyone else) is continually hammered by television, radio and newspaper headlines. Hence, to understand our world well (and try to change it, now that we still have time), it is necessary to almost start from scratch. Such is the purpose of this book. Aimed at a young audience from 18 to 90 years old, its pages reveal the concepts, theories and protagonists that have shaped and shape the sociopolitical context that surrounds us. From cartographic projections to the Cold War, from "failed states" to "rogue states", from the United States to Afghanistan, from the Cold War to banks, it offers a panorama that will undoubtedly surprise the reader, since it does not completely match the “official version”. A pleasant and ironic text that, without losing rigor, is addressed to all the "skeptics, submissives and misfits" who do not agree with what the establishment dictates or with the supposed "truths" on which the "sad" reality is based. . And not only to those who are already aware of it, but to those who do not know it yet.
foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos
E-mail jorge.betanzos@akal.com

