Mujer en papel

Title Mujer en papel
Author Cecilia Fuentes
Publisher Trilce Ediciones
Imprint TRILCE
ISBN 9786078745050
Edition number 4
Publication year 2020
Pages 388
Format Printed
THEMA Biography, Literature and Literary studies
Synopsis Rita Macedo is the eye that allows us to look at the universe of Mexican artists from the era of black and white cinema, known as the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. Mother of Luis de Llano (television and music producer), Julissa (actress) and Cecilia Fuentes, the author. Lover of love and for convenience. First wife of young,mischievous and womanizer Carlos Fuentes,. A woman with raw feelings who wanted to leave us her memories and experiences from a mischievous and self-critical, raw and realistic eye.
foreign rights contact Déborah Holtz

