La palabra sagrada. Antología

Title La palabra sagrada. Antología
Author José Revueltas
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074450491
Edition number 1
Publication year 2011
Pages 208
Format Print and digital
THEMA Fiction: general and literary
Synopsis This anthology, selected and introduced by José Agustín, wants to put within reach of the readers in just one volume all the best stories by José Revueltas published in Dios en la tierra, Dormir en tierra and Material de los sueños, that is: “Dormir en tierra, “Dios en la tierra, “¿Cuánta será la oscuridad?, “Los hombres en el pantano, “Hegel y yo..., “La frontera increíble, “El hijo tonto, “La conjetura, “Sinfonía pastoral, “La hermana enemiga, “La palabra sagrada”, and his celebrated short novel El apando.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo

