El otoño recorre las islas. Obra poética 1961-1970

Title El otoño recorre las islas. Obra poética 1961-1970
Author José Carlos Becerra
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9789684112179
Edition number 1
Publication year 2000
Pages 321
Format Printed
THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
Synopsis This edition of Becerra’s poetic work adds to the books he published in life four more collections that their author left unpublished when he died in Italy at age 34: Los muelles, La Venta, Fiestas de invierno, Cómo retrasar la aparición de las hormigas, as well as Fotografía junto a un tulipán, Becerra’s single prose book, in addition to letters, interviews and notes for those who approach this fundamental poetry work of the Mexican 20th Century, reprinted and widely read for almost half a century.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo
E-mail michelle@edicionesera.com.mx

