El tejido social rasgado

Title El tejido social rasgado
Author Claudio Lomnitz
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074456097
Edition number 1
Publication year 2022
Pages 176
Format Print and digital
THEMA Sociology and anthropology
Synopsis This book gathers the first cycle of six conferences taught by Claudio Lomnitz as a member of El Colegio Nacional. In each of them we can find an intelligent and vital analysis to explain the origin and nature of the economic, social and political changes that are at the core of Mexico’s present violence crisis: a rupture in the “social fabric”, not caused by an ethical crisis but by a retraction of the State, which has lost its capacity to regulate informal and illicit economies, handing them over to organized crime.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo
E-mail michelle@edicionesera.com.mx

