La fiesta y la rebelión

Title La fiesta y la rebelión
Author Antonio Turok
Publisher Ediciones Era
ISBN 9786074455175
Edition number 1
Publication year 2018
Pages 192
Format Printed
THEMA Individual photographers
Synopsis This bilingual book includes texts by writers and journalists such as Juan Villoro, David Huerta, Coral Bracho, Eduardo Vázquez, María Cortina, amongst others, that accompany several of Antonio Turok’s images. It is a retrospective of his journey as a photographer from 1970 to 2017, with photos from Chiapas, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala; many historical moments such as the APPO uprising in Oaxaca, 2006, the Twin Towers Collapse in 2001 and the protests that followed Donald Trump’s election in the United States.
foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo

