Cuando la muerte me enseñó a vivir

Title Cuando la muerte me enseñó a vivir
Author Elizabeth Estrada Villegas
Publisher Grupo Editorial Literato
Imprint Ediciones Serendip
ISBN 9786075940304
Edition number 1
Publication year 2022
Pages 110
Format Print and digital
THEMA Narrative theme: Death, grief, loss
Synopsis We all live painful experiences, it is part of humanity, in a way it is what transforms us. What determines the value of that situation in your life is the way you transcend it and heal. Is it possible to transform my life into something better? It is a question that, sooner or later, we all ask ourselves. In When Death Taught Me How to Live, Elizabeth Estrada Villegas helps us understand that pain and adversity are not permanent, as long as we are willing to learn from these transformative experiences. Through Holistic Psychology and Self-knowledge, it is possible to achieve a transcendence that helps us heal comprehensively (physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually and energetically), in order to transform our lives and those around us.
foreign rights contact Alberto Islas

