El misterio del ninja

Title El misterio del ninja
Author Sabeli Ceballos Franco
Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
Imprint Nostra Ediciones
ISBN 9786078756919
Edition number 1
Publication year 2022
Pages 120
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s, Teenage
Synopsis “The stars are my eyes, the wind is my ear, my determination is my strength,” reads the Magokoro code of the Ninja, a mysterious character, who puts Nela, Fili, Sipo, Masio and Pinocchio, a friendly group, in check. of friends, who begins to know the absurd world of adults. Join them on their hilarious adventures and discover the secrets hidden in Machiyo, the town with strange names where strange things they happen.
foreign rights contact Annel Osorio
E-mail annel@nostraediciones.com