Lombrices. Las ingenieras de la tierra

Title Lombrices. Las ingenieras de la tierra
Author Esperanza Huerta Lwanga; Laura López Argoytia
Publisher ECOSUR
Imprint El Colegio de la Frontera Sur
ISBN 9786078429882
Edition number 2
Publication year 2020
Pages 41
Format Printed
THEMA Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning
Synopsis This book provides an insight into earthworms, so that we appreciate the significant role they have played in the development of life on the planet, for example, recycling organic matter from leaves, branches, and dead animals, allowing it to be return to the ground. The “biography” also offers interesting photos and illustrations: not all worms are the same.
foreign rights contact Laura López Argoytia
E-mail llopez@ecosur.mx

