Grotescos y arabescos

Title Grotescos y arabescos
Author Gabriele D´Annunzio; Diego Mejía Estévez; Rodrigo Jardón Herrera
Publisher Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Imprint Dirección General de Publicaciones y Fomento Editorial
ISBN 9786073072632
Edition number Primera edición
Publication year 2023
Pages 89
Format Print and digital
THEMA Biography, Literature and Literary studies
Synopsis In the Grotesques and Arabesques, the Italian artist employs a narrative mechanism that will reach its ultimate consequences with II piacere, based on the allusion to the artistic tops as a compositional method. In this way, numerous intertexts are evident, which also outline a rather explicit poetics and canon [...] It is through this type of procedures that D´Annunzio the novelist, whose imprint defines this book, avoids the structures of the classical novel that decades earlier had been established by Honoré de Balzac and Stendhal.
foreign rights contact Lic. Felipe de Jesús Santa Rita Nava

