Nadie duerme en el mundo

Title Nadie duerme en el mundo
Author Alejandro Paniagua Anguiano
Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
Imprint Textofilia
ISBN 9786078892204
Edition number 1a
Publication year 2023
Pages 88
Format Print and digital
THEMA Fiction and Related items
Synopsis Alejandro Paniagua Anguiano shows us in his newest novel a complex portrait of relationships, fatherhood and, above all, the terrible burden inflicted on those suffering a disease and the people around them. Narrated in brief and overwhelming chapters, the protagonist, a night guard of a ladders´ warehouse, displays the most private lives of its characters: the intimacy of their thoughts. Andino, his life partner, goes through the aftereffects of an illness, which its existence destroys their relationship and their family.  This forces the protagonist to take refuge in his inner world and to make decisions only despair and love could explain. 
foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos

