Tres cruces

Title Tres cruces
Author Alejandro Paniagua Anguiano
Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
Imprint Textofilia
ISBN 9786078713356
Edition number 2a
Publication year 2022
Pages 124
Format Print and digital
THEMA Fiction and Related items
Synopsis Three Crosses is the true story of a country torn by violence and narcotraffic. Each one of the three main characters carries guilt, fear, ignorance and death. Lua is a girl who grew up playing next to a clandestine grave pit, which used to be her grandmother´s storing facility; she has been coexisting with the dead. Estela, her grandmother, carries on her life being an alcoholic full of secrets. “Ponzoña” is  a hitman perpetually tormented by his killings. Alejandro Paniagua creates with Three Crosses an intimate geography of the violence lived day by day in Mexico with the precision of a sniper.
foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos

