El viaje de los colibríes

Title El viaje de los colibríes
Author Sue Zurita
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Grijalbo
ISBN 9786073821001
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2022
Pages 224
Format Printed
THEMA Fiction: general and literary
Synopsis El viaje de los colibríes already has a place in the hearts of Mexican readers, since Sue Zurita published an independent edition eight years ago which reached more than 70,000 people. This new edition revised and updated includes a new chapter: a new ending for Romina. What became of her? Where did she go? What experiences did she have? All this is told in the new ending of the novel. The Romina's life represents the life of all those who dream of going far away and embracing a new future, with the main expectation of love and the encounter with themselves. El viaje de los colibríes is a flight without end, in which Romina decides to make different stops. She meets friends, opens strange cages, discovers unexpected wings and conquers the sky inside her...
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.

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