Se curan rotos, descosidos y deshilachados

Title Se curan rotos, descosidos y deshilachados
Author Alex Toledo
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Alfaguara I & J
ISBN 9786073171489
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2018
Pages 264
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s / Teenage: LGBTQ+: Coming out
Synopsis Did they break your heart? Despite the pain you may be are feeling, yes there is life after a breakup, there is even much more and better love. This is about turning the page. Because falling in love (again) is okay. For those who love all the time, those who have ever fainted of love and, even so, they continue to believe. Stop feeling broken and live complete, willing to meet other complete beings. You know that there are uncomfortable truths, even reckless but... necessary. They reveal what you need to hear and not what your fantasy tells you. You will be able to laugh, cry and even want to throw away the towel, but one thing is certain: after reading this book you will not be the same person. If you need a few stitches, these pages will be your best tailor.
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.
