La noche viene sin ti

Title La noche viene sin ti
Author Julio Prado
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Alfaguara
ISBN 9786073801911
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2022
Pages 288
Format Printed
THEMA Fiction: general and literary
Synopsis Gonzalo Ríos is a young prosecutor who has just been transferred to the Children and Adolescents Unit. He receives rows of files with horrifying testimonies that he has to prioritize and amidst a bureaucratic tangle that does not respond to the victim's needs. As if that were not enough, he is appointed to investigate cases of illegal adoptions and will have to face mafia law firms, submissive judges, nursery homes that offer babies over the Internet, a lucrative business that will turn Guatemala into one of the countries with the highest number of children given up for adoption after Russia and China. The recent paternity of the prosecutor ignites such an empathy with the victims and a desire not to intrude into their private lives that, far from protecting them, will crumble at the impossibility of living two such disparate realities.
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.
