Doce sustos y un perico

Title Doce sustos y un perico
Author Jaime Alfonso Sandoval
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Montena
ISBN 9786073171687
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2018
Pages 256
Format Printed
THEMA Children’s / Teenage fiction: Horror and ghost stories, chillers
Synopsis Águeda Chacón Churruca made a great fortune with her horror books, her readers adored her, although she hated them: "I write to make them suffer," she would say. In reality, Agueda detested everyone, especially her family, whom she always branded as shoddy, lazy, self-serving, and with ugly hair. One tragic day Águeda died one tragic day, electrocuted in her massage chair, leaving her immense fortune to the relative who manages to spend twelve nights in her collection of haunted properties, which is scattered all over the world. Ghosts, possessed dolls, haunted castles and a host of terrifying scenarios await Chacón family. Among the group of relatives are the orphans Chabe and Chuy, who, against all odds, will overcome the challenges. As the competition progresses several family members are disqualified, others drop out on their own, and others die. Chabe and Chuy reach the final challenge, against a lumberjack and his son, who have constantly cheated them in the competition. Despite the cheating, Chabe and Chuy manage to win, and there they discover that aunt Agueda did not die she simply organized everything to see who was worthy of her inheritance, as she is aware that she is an old woman. Chabe, Chuy and Águeda with two other relatives will live together as the family the orphans always wanted to have.
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.
