Léase en caso de fracaso

Title Léase en caso de fracaso
Author Pepe Villatoro, Carlos Zimbrón, Leticia Gasca y Luis López de Nava  (FUCKUP NIGHTS)
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Conecta
ISBN 9786073821476
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2022
Pages 264
Format Printed
THEMA True stories of heroism, endurance and survival
Synopsis Ten years ago some friends shared their fuck-ups and a few beers in Mexico City and discovered how powerful it can be to learn from it. Today Fuckup Nights has become a movement that investigates, make questions and redefines failure and has given more than 15,000 of his stories to more than 1,200,000 people in 185 cities and 62 countries, hand in hand with hundreds of companies that seek to build more innovative organizational cultures. After a decade of analyzing hundreds of stories, the four founders of Fuckup Nights and the Failure Institute share with us what they have learned about failure: its origins in our culture, how capitalism and its cult of individual success foster the taboo, what factors and behaviors that trigger it, what are its signs, how it impacts our emotions, how to communicate it to your team, which consolations rituals you can add to your routine, what anti-failure tools to use and how to use them, and what conclusions this community of rebels has reached. The book is enriched with stories of iconic failure that have gone through Fuckup Nights internationally. It also includes revealing anecdotes from within the movement that tell of their own defeats, but also of its evolution. Join the movement, laugh at your failures and share them with the world! #ShareTheFailure
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.

E-mail quetzalli.delaconcha@penguinrandomhouse.com oswaldo.munoz@penguinrandomhouse.com cecilia.palacios@penguinrandomhouse.com