La panza de Tepozteco

Title La panza de Tepozteco
Author José Agustín
Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
Imprint Alfaguara Juvenil
ISBN 9786073820899
Edition number N/A
Publication year 2022
Pages 216
Format Printed
THEMA Fiction: Traditional stories, myths and fairy tales
Synopsis The fantastic adventure that some children undertake when they enter a secret cave in Tepozteco celebrates 30 years. Excited because a long weekend is approaching, Homero, Tor, Érika, Alain, Selene, Indra and Yanira decide to go to Tepoztlán to rest. There they meet Pancho -a local boy- who invites them to climb Tepozteco, but on a not so usual path, which will take them to the heart of the mountain where they will learn, first hand, about pre-Hispanic mythology and many of its customs. The presence of the children and their entrance into the sanctuary will unleash a struggle between deities: some, like Tonantzin, will seek to protect them, while others will try to sacrifice them, leaving behind the teachings of Quetzalcoatl. José Agustín narrates the adventures of the protagonists with great ease: his agility in narrating their adventures, intertwining them with the ancient world, is surprising.
foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

Oswaldo Muñoz

Cecilia Palacios.
