Los abuelos son de Marte

Title Los abuelos son de Marte
Author Marcel Arévalo Contreras.
ilustrado por Ilyana Martínez
Publisher Editorial Cayuco S.A. de C.V.
ISBN 9786079834449
Edition number 1
Publication year 2020
Pages 32
Format Printed
THEMA Children/youth, illustrated album, poetry; personal and social issues: emotions, moods and feelings; stories about family and home; general interest: space, stars and solar system; family and family affairs.
Synopsis The affection of the grandparents illuminates the heart of his grandchildren´s and in this poem, it is honored. This book album also invites you to dialogue and write.
foreign rights contact Andrea Garza
Vicente Yrízar
E-mail andreagarzapl@gmail.com

