La araña huachicolera y otros mitos de ocho columnas

Title La araña huachicolera y otros mitos de ocho columnas
Author Luis Javier Plata Rosas; ilustrado por Francisco Oldemar González Gómez
Publisher Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara
Imprint Colección Gabinete de curiosidades
ISBN 9786075716459
Edition number 1
Publication year 2022
Pages 236
Format Print and digital
THEMA Society and Social Sciences
Synopsis La araña huachicolera exposes the evidence -or the lack of it- behind popular beliefs, urban legends, quackery and myths that rule the world of pseudoscience, those that appear in the digital media accompanied by phrases such as "science says so" or "scientists assure". The author of this work demystifies -with ironic touches- those dogmas that have been reproduced as an incessant loop in different media and that have no support whatsoever.
foreign rights contact Iliana Ávalos González