La danza de los extintos. Juvenicidio, violencias y poderes sicarios en América Latina

Title La danza de los extintos. Juvenicidio, violencias y poderes sicarios en América Latina
Author José Manuel Valenzuela Arce
Publisher Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara
Imprint Colección Episteme
ISBN 9786075717081
Edition number 1
Publication year 2022
Pages 252
Format Print and digital
THEMA Society and Social Sciences
Synopsis This book presents an interpretative framework of the Latin American reality on how socio-cultural and economic scenarios are constructed that result in the processes of precariousness, defenselessness, violence and desubjectivation to which young people are exposed, taking as a central axis the concept of juvenicide. The work praises the remarkable work of young people as protagonists of resistance struggles and new social movements in urgent problems such as poverty, feminicide and juvenicide, who through slogans, songs and hopes anticipate other possible worlds.
foreign rights contact Iliana Ávalos González