Foreign Rights Catalog

Mostrando 121–132 de 614 resultados de ""

  • Title El pie que no quería bañarse
    Author Julieta García González
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie azul
    ISBN 9786072422735
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2016
    Pages 50
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Can our body become "independent" of us? Is each of its parts free to make its own decisions? Peter's foot seems to be of that mind and has decided, just like that, to stop bathing. Peter has to go around dragging that... thing around. To his good fortune, the monster left on his foot seems to have unsuspected and wonderful abilities, so maybe it's not such a bad idea after all.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El lobo feroz
    Author Christian Oster
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Novelas Teen
    ISBN 9786072432383
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 40
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Little Red Riding Hood went for a walk with the gentle wolf in the forest and found the three little pigs, the granny, the goat, the sheep and the woodcutter... Wait a minute! What are these characters doing together in the same story? Is it time to ask this wolf who, when he was ferocious, behaved so badly to everyone?
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Alexander von Humboldt, un explorador científico en América
    Author Tom Hanota
    Publisher Editorial CIDCLI
    Imprint Editorial CIDCLI
    ISBN 9786075168685
    Edition number 1ra
    Publication year 2014
    Pages 64
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA History of the Americas, Biography: general, European history
    Synopsis This book recounts some of many trips taken during the life of who is considered to be the father of Modern Geography.
    foreign rights contact Elisa Castellanos van Rhijn


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  • Title Niños
    Author Ferrada, María José
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079779795
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 80
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis Niños by María José Ferrada is dedicated to 34 Chilean children who disappeared or were killed during Pinochet’s regime. Literature is surely the place where collective memory lives and is able to make those who were lost immortal. In Niños, Ferrada’s sensitive and moving writing brings those Chilean children to life through a tender, respectful and thought-provoking poem for each child. The gentle, nature-centered poems are tenderly illustrated by María Elena Valdez, using a subtle, muted color palette. Despite the heaviness of the topic, the illustrations provide a sense of lightness in harmony with the poems”.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Vacaciones en el faro maldito
    Author Domenica Luciani
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Novelas Teen
    ISBN 9786072432512
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 232
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Jerry is a nice and restless boy who always carries his binoculars and his detective case, because he wants to be like his idol, Sherlock Holmes. During his summer vacation he is looking for a case to solve. After two failed attempts, he ends up on the beach of Lido Funesto, on whose nearby island there is a lighthouse shrouded in mystery that Jerry wants to uncover with the help of his intrepid friend Tilla, the mischievous dog Morti and a critter named Watson. What they don't imagine is that they will live a hectic and dangerous adventure full of ghosts and surprising revelations...
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El complejo de Faetón
    Author Andrés Acosta
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072447349
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 184
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis After high school, Rigo decides he must find out if his father really exists or if he is a portrait hanging in his living room. His quest takes him to the border town of Jitania, where he will have unimaginable experiences, such as piloting a small plane. An unexpected setback lands him in the Juvenile Protection Council, where he meets Don Polo, a psychologist who will give him new keys to understand himself.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Toda una mamá
    Author Olivier Ka
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Los Piratas
    ISBN 9786074714128
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2009
    Pages 32
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis My mom is fat. Very fat! She's the fattest mom in the world and that makes me proud.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title La abuela Filomena
    Author María Eugenia Blanco Palacios
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie blanca
    ISBN 9786072420533
    Edition number 4
    Publication year 2016
    Pages 64
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Grandma Filomena is very original, because one day she decides to enroll in elementary school. She is a very special student: deaf and distracted, but everyone, students and teachers, love her very much. One day she falls ill, but this is not enough to stop her.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Lucas, el dinosaurio feliz
    Author Irene Selser; Sr. No quiero
    Publisher Libros para Imaginar
    Imprint Libros para Imaginar
    ISBN 9786079537074
    Edition number 1ra.
    Publication year 2011
    Pages 32
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s / Teenage general interest: Dinosaurs and prehistoric world
    Synopsis Imagine that one fine day you wake up and find, lying next to your bed, a little dinosaur. Well that's what happened to Tommy, but in a few minutes the news had gone halfway around the world thanks to his network of "Dinosaur hunter" friends. Find out what an uproar it caused.
    foreign rights contact Ixchel Delgado Jordá


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  • Title La magia de Azul
    Author Alicia Molina
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie naranja
    ISBN 9786072437722
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 112
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis This story features Mateo, the magician Sharakaban, Bisa and her pataphysical friends... and Azul. The magic powers of the little ball Blue will be Mateo's best allies, but will also be coveted by the magician Sharakaban. Who will the little ball stay with?
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Count color and write
    Author Jeanne Nelson
    Hector Marin
    Publisher English for you
    Imprint Sing in english
    ISBN 9709706608
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 20
    Format Printed
    THEMA Language and Linguistics
    Synopsis An activity book with QR audio code to learn to write and count numbers up to 100 in English.
    foreign rights contact Héctor A. Marín Heredia


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  • Title El gato de humo y otros felinos extraordinarios
    Author Luis Bernardo Pérez
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie naranja
    ISBN 9786072444676
    Edition number 3
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 92
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis A cat turned into a great pianist, a robot cat, a cat with its tailrobot cat, a cat with a missing tail, a smoke cat and other unusual and other out-of-the-ordinary felines are the protagonists of these stories are the protagonists of these stories that combine mystery and humor mystery and humor.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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