Foreign Rights Catalog

Mostrando 277–288 de 614 resultados de ""

  • Title Bichos
    Author Roberto Rojo
    Publisher Producciones Sin Sentido Común
    Imprint Nostra Ediciones
    ISBN 9786078756841
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 120
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis From land, air and water, fifteen bugs come to land in this book. In a biological and cultural approach to these little animals, their anatomy, their origin and their functions are described, as well as the legends, poems and even recipes of which they are protagonists. In these pages, science is mixed with the tradition of the indigenous peoples of Mexico and some of the world to show the beauty and complexity of these small living beings and their importance within our society.
    foreign rights contact Annel Osorio


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  • Title ¿De dónde vienen los sueños?
    Author María de Jesús Nieto; Zoraida Vásquez Beveraggi; Esmeralda Ríos
    Publisher Libros para Imaginar
    Imprint Libros para Imaginar
    ISBN 9786079537050
    Edition number 1ra.
    Publication year 2011
    Pages 32
    Format Printed
    THEMA Picture storybooks
    Synopsis Have you ever wondered where dreams come from? A girl and her mother fly off with a few words of magic to find the answer. On their way, they witness unimaginable events: amidst the colored lights, stellar winds, stars and clouds, they discover the Moon and its Lady, the Ancestral Mother and the Huntresses of Crazy Dreams, among others. But will they find the answer?
    foreign rights contact Ixchel Delgado Jordá


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  • Title Los viajeros
    Author Bernardo Fernández “Bef” (antologador)
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072444188
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 240
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis What can science fiction be about, skeptics ask, mariachis in space? Maybe, but those are not the kind of stories you'll find in this book. Although the first work of Mexican science fiction dates from 1775, perpetrators of the subgenre have had to publish their work from the margins. With rare exceptions, the storytellers of the imaginative have formed a ghostly guild. To disseminate the work of this strange guild, illustrator and writer Bef offers us here a handful of his favorite Mexican stories inscribed in the so-called speculative fiction.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Negra noche
    Author Lolita Bosch
    Publisher Editorial CIDCLI
    Imprint Editorial CIDCLI
    ISBN 9786078351800
    Edition number 1ra
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 120
    Format Printed
    THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary, Children’s / Teenage general interest: Lives of children in the past, Narrative theme: Displacement, exile, migration
    Synopsis The tale about a friendship between two young Catalans whose relationship was interrupted by the exile prompted by the Civil War, affecting various countries, including Mexico.
    foreign rights contact Elisa Castellanos van Rhijn


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  • Title Ventana 654
    Author José Luis Zárate
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Novelas juveniles
    ISBN 9786072447028
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 168
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Raquel loves video games. She is an expert in the survival horror genre, which consists of surviving in terrifying conditions. After being invited to a competition, in which she stands out for her creativity in overcoming the adversities posed by the games, a mysterious company hires her as a beta tester to test a strange and highly advanced virtual reality video game. From that moment on, a series of events unfolds that will lead her to discover a high-tech world in which she will live adventures that will radically change her existence. In this novel, José Luis Zárate warns us about some of the future risks involved in the way we live today.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Valentina se disfraza
    Author Elena Dreser
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Los Piratas
    ISBN 9786072442139
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 40
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Valentina dresses up because she knows that play is a wonderful thing to do. Her grandparents are always part of the fun, but her parents have a harder time. What should Valentina do to make sure everyone enjoys the game as much as she does?
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El gato negro y otros cuentos
    Author Edgar Allan Poe
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie roja
    ISBN 9786072420793
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 72
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis A selection of three wonderfully illustrated tales: two classics of horror literature, The Black Cat and The Premature Burial, and a little-known, hair-raisingly cruel story, Hop-Frog, by the incomparable Edgar Allan Poe.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Fantasmas, espectros y otros trapos sucios
    Author Jaime Alfonso Sandoval
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie roja
    ISBN 9786072422339
    Edition number 3
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 256
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Uncle Chema's stories are amazing! It doesn't matter that Tito has to clean his house in exchange for one more. Uncle Chema has something that... I don't know... Maybe it's his way of narrating, or his good memory: his stories of ghosts, dead people and monsters will make Tito come back again and again.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title …Y los dragones se fueron
    Author Ana Luisa Anza
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie blanca
    ISBN 9786072437913
    Edition number 4
    Publication year 2009
    Pages 52
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis One day, the kings leave the castle and leave behind a people incapable of making decisions or thinking. In the absence of princesses, the dragons also leave... but one day they decide to return. Now the people will have to manage to save themselves from the furious beasts.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Las mil y una piyamas
    Author Pamela Pulido
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie azul
    ISBN 9786072443921
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 176
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis I only knew three things about Grandpa Juan: that he is my dad's dad, that I couldn't ask anything about him, and that he must be very boring. Only someone boring would give pajamas every birthday. But then Grandpa moved in with us, with all his thousand pajamas! Each pajama was a story and each story a clue to answer the forbidden question: why was Dad mad at him?
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Se curan rotos, descosidos y deshilachados
    Author Alex Toledo
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Alfaguara I & J
    ISBN 9786073171489
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 264
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s / Teenage: LGBTQ+: Coming out
    Synopsis Did they break your heart? Despite the pain you may be are feeling, yes there is life after a breakup, there is even much more and better love. This is about turning the page. Because falling in love (again) is okay. For those who love all the time, those who have ever fainted of love and, even so, they continue to believe. Stop feeling broken and live complete, willing to meet other complete beings. You know that there are uncomfortable truths, even reckless but... necessary. They reveal what you need to hear and not what your fantasy tells you. You will be able to laugh, cry and even want to throw away the towel, but one thing is certain: after reading this book you will not be the same person. If you need a few stitches, these pages will be your best tailor.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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  • Title Mi hermano derecha
    Author Pamela Pulido
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie naranja
    ISBN 9786072427334
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 272
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis This is the story of a kid with the potential to be the fastest fastball pitcher of all time. And to tell you about that extraordinary talent, it's necessary to talk about the hand he throws with: his right hand... my brother. That's right, I'm the left hand of a right-handed kid. No, I'm not kidding, your narrator is a hand, just like yours that now hold this book.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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