Foreign Rights Catalog

Mostrando 349–360 de 614 resultados de ""

  • Title Un espejo para Sol
    Author Alicia Madrazo
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint Gran Angular
    ISBN 9786072444331
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 160
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis With only three months left in high school, Sol has to decide her future so she can embark on the path to a professional life. Not everyone finds it easy or pleasant to face this decision, and Sol is not yet ready to choose. The situation becomes more complicated when she begins to feel the family and social pressure that tries to push her to take the wrong path and that may lead her away from the dictates of her heart.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title El tejido social rasgado
    Author Claudio Lomnitz
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074456097
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 176
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Sociology and anthropology
    Synopsis This book gathers the first cycle of six conferences taught by Claudio Lomnitz as a member of El Colegio Nacional. In each of them we can find an intelligent and vital analysis to explain the origin and nature of the economic, social and political changes that are at the core of Mexico’s present violence crisis: a rupture in the “social fabric”, not caused by an ethical crisis but by a retraction of the State, which has lost its capacity to regulate informal and illicit economies, handing them over to organized crime.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Navegante
    Author López Martínez, Andrés
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079779771
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 32
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis What happens when a mother dies? Death affects in many ways, because of the absence and the emptiness it leaves. Sometimes, there is so much sadness that leads us to walk through life aimlessly. And we settled in nostalgia.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Cuentos de la Niña Agua
    Author Arturo Arroyo
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie roja
    ISBN 9786072444430
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 128
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis Tláhui is a girl who is always asking questions. Among the many she asks is why she can't enter Calmécac. She has special gifts, such as communicating with animals and listening to the stories of the wind and water, which will help her fight for what she wants.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title La noche de los batracios
    Author Martha Riva Palacio Obón
    Publisher SM México
    Imprint El Barco de Vapor Serie naranja
    ISBN 9786072444423
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2016
    Pages 78
    Format Printed
    THEMA Children’s, Teenage
    Synopsis The carnival is about to begin, all human beings have been invited. Everyone, even Ana, who is trying to catch up on her sleep while keeping her mother from floating away through a window. Islands with twin sisters, an untamed bath, spectres capable of drinking an entire ocean, a friendship and an out-of-tune chorus of amphibians. Each of them has a place in this story.
    foreign rights contact Estela Ruiz Torres


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  • Title Gente del mundo
    Author Alberto Chimal
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074453416
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2014
    Pages 122
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
    Synopsis It could be that Gente del mundo is merely a residue, a ruin, what remains of a myriad of civilizations. A handful of short texts, where in a crucial gesture a whole culture is sketched. A collection of illustrations that produce an allegoric image of an entire population. Alberto Chimal is Calvino’s and Borges’ best reader of the latest years because instead of admiring them in quote form, he focuses on reimagining. In an environment oversaturated with fidelity to the press, this book shows up and refreshes the literary scene.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title En la tierra mágica del peyote
    Author Fernando Benítez
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9789684116344
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2008
    Pages 192
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Social groups: religious groups and communities
    Synopsis In this book Benítez shows us how the huichol people, by repeating in their mystical pilgrimage to the San Luis Potosí desert the sacred hunt made by the gods in the primary time, aspire to become contemporary to their gods. The repetition of the myth is, thus, the Eternal Return to the beginning, to the age without boundaries where divine sacrifice established the order of being and life.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Ese espacio, ese jardín
    Author Coral Bracho
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074456318
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 64
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
    Synopsis This long poem is the scenery where several characters play a moving part, such as the fox, the jaguar, the ubiquitous clown, children dripping with joy and an interlocutor that the poetic voice addresses with loving dedication. It is the touching space of childhood, that brightens and incessantly lays down a vital spot. But it is mostly the place of natural wonder, described with talent, always marked by fine rays of light, sparkles and reflections that covers it, simultaneously, of a sharp clarity and a just as sharp certainty of fleetingness. As in this space, in this garden, this life is supported by the roots of death. This book was translated into Italian and published by Edizioni Kolibris in 2015
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Llama la sangre
    Author Adán Medellín
    Publisher Editorial NitroPress
    Imprint Nitro/Press
    ISBN 9786078805273
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 128
    Format Printed
    THEMA Crime and mystery: hard-boiled crime, noir fiction; Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary; Short stories
    Synopsis Stories with a literary approach to violence, loneliness, redemption, family conflicts, and mental disorders using tools from the narratives of noir and the supernatural, apocryphal biography, etc. Framed both in large cities and in small towns in Mexico, the main epigraph of the volume (Genesis 4:10) generates the title of the book following the exalted response of the Judeo-Christian God to Cain after the murder of Abel, a timeless cry for justice before the first fratricidal violence, an image that encompasses daily violent acts and their disastrous consequences in our country.
    foreign rights contact Lilia Barajas Martínez


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  • Title Te amaba y me chingaste
    Author Nora de la Cruz
    Publisher Editorial NitroPress
    Imprint Nitro/Press
    ISBN 9786078256976
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 144
    Format Printed
    THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary; Adventure / action fiction; Satirical fiction and parodies
    Synopsis At one of the many parties of the false society, Fosca María and Tito Lucio fall in love by accident. She is a music governess, who owns only a cat named Cucurucho and an attic; the other is a drunken marimba player, member of the illustrious Cucufato family. This 19th-century soap-opera takes place between the street gastronomy of Mexico and the customs of the old Russian aristocracy, something Chekhov could have written if he had liked tacos. Fosca and Tito remind us that no matter how much attention we have paid to Ovidio's advice, we have all loved and, yes, we have been screwed at times.
    foreign rights contact Lilia Barajas Martínez


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  • Title Tres cruces
    Author Alejandro Paniagua Anguiano
    Publisher Textofilia Ediciones
    Imprint Textofilia
    ISBN 9786078713356
    Edition number 2a
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 124
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Fiction and Related items
    Synopsis Three Crosses is the true story of a country torn by violence and narcotraffic. Each one of the three main characters carries guilt, fear, ignorance and death. Lua is a girl who grew up playing next to a clandestine grave pit, which used to be her grandmother´s storing facility; she has been coexisting with the dead. Estela, her grandmother, carries on her life being an alcoholic full of secrets. “Ponzoña” is  a hitman perpetually tormented by his killings. Alejandro Paniagua creates with Three Crosses an intimate geography of the violence lived day by day in Mexico with the precision of a sniper.
    foreign rights contact Jacqueline Santos


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  • Title Doña huevotes
    Author Anamar Orihuela
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Aguilar
    ISBN 9786073828284
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 240
    Format Printed
    THEMA Child, developmental and lifespan psychology
    Synopsis She solves everything, she is always ready and for her nothing is impossible: Doña Huevotes is in charge of keeping the house in order, she accepts the hardest burdens of work and faces the family's most serious problems. But she also suffers, gets ill and falls, although she avoids expressing her pain. But... who is Doña Huevotes? why does she act this way, what desires, grudges and longings does she have? Is she happy or does she put up with everything to prove that she is the best? In this book, Anamar Orihuela shares not only her most intimate personal experience and the most effective therapies to help Doña Huevotes women; she explains why they behave as they do, what deficiencies they have from childhood and how they relate to their partners, their daughters and sons, in love and coexistence. A strong and direct book, but also a work full of tenderness and therapeutic support, an essential guide to help those who hide their emotions, their fractures of the soul. The author's purpose is to empathize with women who feel misunderstood, abandoned or hurt, to show them the power of their great sensitivity and determination, so that through understanding and support to share their light and extraordinary spiritual strength.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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