Foreign Rights Catalog

Mostrando 613–614 de 614 resultados de ""

  • Title La araña huachicolera y otros mitos de ocho columnas
    Author Luis Javier Plata Rosas; ilustrado por Francisco Oldemar González Gómez
    Publisher Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara
    Imprint Colección Gabinete de curiosidades
    ISBN 9786075716459
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2022
    Pages 236
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Society and Social Sciences
    Synopsis La araña huachicolera exposes the evidence -or the lack of it- behind popular beliefs, urban legends, quackery and myths that rule the world of pseudoscience, those that appear in the digital media accompanied by phrases such as "science says so" or "scientists assure". The author of this work demystifies -with ironic touches- those dogmas that have been reproduced as an incessant loop in different media and that have no support whatsoever.
    foreign rights contact Iliana Ávalos González


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  • Title Doña huevotes
    Author Anamar Orihuela
    Publisher Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Imprint Aguilar
    ISBN 9786073828284
    Edition number N/A
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 240
    Format Printed
    THEMA Child, developmental and lifespan psychology
    Synopsis She solves everything, she is always ready and for her nothing is impossible: Doña Huevotes is in charge of keeping the house in order, she accepts the hardest burdens of work and faces the family's most serious problems. But she also suffers, gets ill and falls, although she avoids expressing her pain. But... who is Doña Huevotes? why does she act this way, what desires, grudges and longings does she have? Is she happy or does she put up with everything to prove that she is the best? In this book, Anamar Orihuela shares not only her most intimate personal experience and the most effective therapies to help Doña Huevotes women; she explains why they behave as they do, what deficiencies they have from childhood and how they relate to their partners, their daughters and sons, in love and coexistence. A strong and direct book, but also a work full of tenderness and therapeutic support, an essential guide to help those who hide their emotions, their fractures of the soul. The author's purpose is to empathize with women who feel misunderstood, abandoned or hurt, to show them the power of their great sensitivity and determination, so that through understanding and support to share their light and extraordinary spiritual strength.
    foreign rights contact Quetzalli de la Concha

    Oswaldo Muñoz

    Cecilia Palacios.



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