Category: ALBOROTO

Mostrando 1–12 de 27 resultados de "ALBOROTO"

  • Title ¡No!
    Author Alderete, Jorge
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079779788
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 28
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis No, Lautaro, don’t do that.  No, don’t do that either.  Please don’t, especially not that!  This amazing book is about Lautaro’s brief compendium before turning 5. It is written by his father, the world famous illustrator Dr. Alderete. This is a great opportunity to set limits  from a hilarious perspective. 
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Animal
    Author Ferrada, María José
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079779664
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 28
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis “Hidden into his horn, he keeps the secret of the jungle”.  The latter could easily be the start of a novel but it is a riddle inspired by wild animals. The embossed illustrations and the varnish in each page highlight the texture of the skin of different animals.  They also invite to read and discover in a tactile and playful way. With text in Braille for blind or partially sighted readers.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Aullido
    Author Córdova, Adolfo
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079823184
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 36
    Format Printed
    THEMA  Children/youth: poetry, Poetry
    Synopsis Do you hear the wolves howling underneath the ground? They are buried waiting to be invoked by mother wolf, grandmother wolf and sister wolf. Only then, from the deepest side of the earth, they will rise. From a great explosion they will then be acknowledged as what they are: wolves, corn, wolf opossum, and human wolves.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Casas
    Author Ferrada, María José
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079871536
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 120
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis The authors of this book take us on a journey through  different ways of inhabiting a house.Based on illustrations by Pep Carrió made with acrylic markers, the writer María José Ferrada uses poetic language and humor to propose a set of micro stories that invite readers to observe their own ways of inhabiting the world.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title El espacio entre la hierba
    Author Ferrada, María José
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079871512
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 32
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis This object book, made of 30 cards, invites the reader to remark the poetry surrounding. Observing a lantern and translating it into the language of the first light of the morning or saving the leaves that fall from the trees, to make a book with them, are some of the ideas proposed by the authors, convinced that poetry is more than a literary genre, is a way of looking at and experiencing the world.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Hueco
    Author López Martínez, Andrés
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079823108
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 32
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis Close your eyes... Insert your hand. Maybe you'll discover something you weren't expecting. This book by Andrés López appeals to children and curiosity and page after page defies the reader's expectations.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title La Nacionalien
    Author Bassi, Sandro
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079823139
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 56
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis How often do you check your cell phone? Do you use it while you walk, in the bus, in the subway? Do you have Whats App, Instagram, Facebook? How many likes did you get this week? The cell phone is without any doubt our door to the rest of the world; it connects and disconnects us to everything and to everybody.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Máscara
    Author Alderete, Jorge
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079823191
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 28
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis Mask, is a tribute to the book Guardiamoci negli occhi by Bruno Munari. In this book for Dr. Alderete the mask is not a metaphor for concealment, but as a liberating idea of our own spirit, which allows us to relate, know each other, and of course understand each other in an unexpected way.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Mi Barrio
    Author Ferrada, María José
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079779719
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 28
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis Every morning Mrs. Marta goes out and checks that the world is in its place: her friends on a terrace play cards, the beach always in the usual place, the children have fun in the schoolyard. Mrs. Marta's neighborhood is a neighborhood like any other, but it is also a unique neighborhood in the world, because it is hers.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Nadadores
    Author Ferrada, María José
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079871529
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 32
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis There might be many swimmers for sure who, after training so much during the day (“50 meters of Front Crawl, 50 meters of Back and 50 meters of Butterfly”), at night they dream about being fish. But during those same nights, when the moon illuminates the oceans, will fish dream about being swimmers?The authors of this book use humor and poetry to show us that a page can be a deep sea or an Olympic-size swimming pool, depending on the eyes of the beholder.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Navegante
    Author López Martínez, Andrés
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079779771
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 32
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis What happens when a mother dies? Death affects in many ways, because of the absence and the emptiness it leaves. Sometimes, there is so much sadness that leads us to walk through life aimlessly. And we settled in nostalgia.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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  • Title Niños
    Author Ferrada, María José
    Publisher Alboroto Ediciones, S. A. de C. V. – Alboroto Ediciones
    Imprint Alboroto ediciones
    ISBN 9786079779795
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 80
    Format Printed
    THEMA Illustrated storybooks
    Synopsis Niños by María José Ferrada is dedicated to 34 Chilean children who disappeared or were killed during Pinochet’s regime. Literature is surely the place where collective memory lives and is able to make those who were lost immortal. In Niños, Ferrada’s sensitive and moving writing brings those Chilean children to life through a tender, respectful and thought-provoking poem for each child. The gentle, nature-centered poems are tenderly illustrated by María Elena Valdez, using a subtle, muted color palette. Despite the heaviness of the topic, the illustrations provide a sense of lightness in harmony with the poems”.
    foreign rights contact Mónica Vázquez


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