Mostrando los 9 resultados de "EDICIONES AKAL"

  • Title Política y geopolítica para rebeldes, irreverentes y escépticos
    Author Augusto Zamora
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9788416842247
    Edition number 3
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 440
    Format Printed
    THEMA policy
    Synopsis New edition of a book that, in just over a year, has become a reference in the field of geopolitical analysis, with new materials on what happened around Iran, Turkey, Syria, Libya, the United States, Russia and China . We receive more information than ever, and yet it is also more conditioned than ever, since the constitution of a media oligopoly means that said information has a clear bias that serves the interests of its owners. And this fact is reflected with particular harshness in the field of politics and geopolitics, where the global vision of a world divided between "good" (neoliberals) and "bad" (everyone else) is continually hammered by television, radio and newspaper headlines. Hence, to understand our world well (and try to change it, now that we still have time), it is necessary to almost start from scratch. Such is the purpose of this book. Aimed at a young audience from 18 to 90 years old, its pages reveal the concepts, theories and protagonists that have shaped and shape the sociopolitical context that surrounds us. From cartographic projections to the Cold War, from "failed states" to "rogue states", from the United States to Afghanistan, from the Cold War to banks, it offers a panorama that will undoubtedly surprise the reader, since it does not completely match the “official version”. A pleasant and ironic text that, without losing rigor, is addressed to all the "skeptics, submissives and misfits" who do not agree with what the establishment dictates or with the supposed "truths" on which the "sad" reality is based. . And not only to those who are already aware of it, but to those who do not know it yet.
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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  • Title Tiempo y liberación. Exordio a pensamientos liberatorios, vivenciales y decoloniales
    Author Vallega Arredondo, Alejandro Arturo
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9786078683147
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 368
    Format Printed
    THEMA Critical philosophy
    Synopsis We will make an exception: for this book we will not talk about its themes or the authors with whom it dialogues, but rather its effects. Hidden within its pages is an invitation to live, think and position oneself from Latin America, which—in short—means nothing other than experiencing the crisis at all times. Latin America understood as a temporary, dynamic fact; a being-being that situates, but also transforms. Living in crisis is, then, presented as a fruitful option towards new modalities of consciousness. The route that we present here does not go through ideal concepts; in fact, it avoids the transcendental: it is on cultural consciousness and concrete experience (from the Latin concrescere, “grown by accumulation”) that the yeast of this book works. In the analysis of daily living/dying as a phenomenon, we are presented with a path towards that which is understood through the senses and not reason; towards what is prior to concepts and even to the acquisition of language: to what is involuntary/embodied memory. It is in the concrete and radical meeting of all these parts that a decolonial key is offered: time as a linear (and progress) structure that leaves everything behind, opens to simultaneous times that operate as a tool to situate Latin American consciousness in its pluriversality, in an ecstatic, simultaneous structure, open to affective and memorial dimensions in a being exposed in skin, heart and mind to what is different.
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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  • Title El hechicero de la tribu. Vargas Llosa y el liberalismo en América Latina
    Author Boron, Atilio Alberto; Ramb Hughes, Ana María
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9786079818593
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2019
    Pages 240
    Format Printed
    THEMA Political ideologies
    Synopsis To be fruitful, criticism must not attack a man, but rather work on ideas. The strength of the present analysis arises from the example that Atilio Boron (Buenos Aires, 1943) provides to his readers: the beauty in the discourse should not distract us from the approach or the arguments (if they exist). It is under this conviction that before us—and without anesthesia—a political dismantling is carried out with rigor and demand, at the level of a legend. Thus, with the intention of entering the core of Vargas Llosa, we start from his praise of the neoliberal system—of which he has become a great public defender—to discover a long-winded person close to power and its ideology, a disseminator hidden behind the branches of literature and the Latin American boom. Boron himself points it out: “Despite his elemental and tendentious handling of the categories and theories of political analysis, or perhaps due to the mastery with which he handles sophistry and 'post-truths', Vargas Llosa is a fundamental piece in the "massive device of 'brainwashing' and conservative propaganda that is so carefully practiced by the ruling classes of the metropolises and their henchmen in the periphery."
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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  • Title Colonialidad, género y democracia
    Author Mendoza, Breny
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9786078898077
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 264
    Format Printed
    THEMA Colonization
    Synopsis The essays collected in this book are constituted from conversations that the author has with different traditions of decolonial thought from both the North and the South. They bring into dialogue authors and currents of thought that are usually geographically and linguistically distanced, or that have been artificially separated to place Northern Europe as the only reference in the history of coloniality. In the process, not only theories and concepts, belief systems and prejudices that have contaminated the story of colonization are demystified, but the self-narratives that Europeans have woven of their own history are also questioned. Coloniality, gender and democracy addresses themes that revolve around the author's central concerns, such as the origins of democracy and the modern-State in the colonial fact, the role of gender in the constitution of colonial power and the contributions of decolonial feminism. especially from its indigenous side, which, according to Mendoza, offers one of the most complex and subversive theories of Western feminism. It also explores issues such as the Anthropocene or the ecological crisis, and the way in which they are conceived in areas such as postmodernism, posthumanism and various decolonial theories. To conclude, a feminist manifesto is presented as a way to move from critical theory to action, from despair to decolonial hope.
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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  • Title El lawfare. Golpes de Estado en nombre de la ley
    Author Fernández Noroña, José Gerardo Rodolfo; Serrano Jiménez, Pascual ; Tirado Sánchez, Arantxa
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9786078683642
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 256
    Format Printed
    THEMA Civil and Political Rights
    Synopsis The wave of leftist governments that characterized Latin America and the Caribbean since the end of the 20th century formed a geopolitical map adverse to the interests of the US public-private sector in the region. To change the correlation of forces, lawfare or judicial war has entered the scene, an apparently democratic mechanism in accordance with the law, for which that undermine the power, image and chances of re-election of the left's leaders. Little is said, however, about the origin of lawfare as a military strategy, framed in a broad-spectrum war, today called hybrid war, which seeks, through the combination of judicial, media, political or economic operations, the reconfiguration of hemispheric geopolitics. If in previous decades the blows The classic state policies served to prevent the ruling left from deploying its political agenda from the institutions or even occupying them, today lawfare exercises the same function, but taking refuge in legality and maintaining democratic appearances. We are witnessing, then, the paradoxical demolition of the rule of law in the name of law. But this threat is not limited to Latin American territory, which, as so many times before, has continued to be a testing laboratory. Once the "effectiveness" of this new system tool has been confirmed, what prevents it from being applied in other countries? And there are very close signs that point in this direction.
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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  • Title La comuna mexicana
    Author Bosteels, Bruno
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9786078683710
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 320
    Format Printed
    THEMA Socialismo y sistemas relacionados
    Synopsis Mexico, 1521; Paris, 1871. What these dates summarize are not only violent stories, marked by brutal repressions at the end of each episode, they also contain in their resistance a concern for the potential explosion of the common—an explosion whose political form would be, precisely, the commune. Beyond or here of the workers massacred 150 years ago, or the Aztecs killed 500 years ago, what this book proposes to build is a partial history of that underground tradition of communal rebellions in Mexico. Bruno Bosteels traces the survival of a social form whose aspirations, if we follow Marx's most cited texts, were embodied in the Paris Commune and verified in Russia. However, Marx also wrote about Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco, and based on these ethnological notes, Bosteels recovers a communal tradition that remained firm throughout the colonial era and was present in the Mexican Revolution. If the calpulli was its first form, experiences such as those of Morelos, Acapulco and Edendale, to Chiapas and currently Cherán, prove that in Mexico the communal, more than a suspended time or an exceptional moment, opens an expansive form that escapes what It is thought to be immovable: an obstinacy that, through multiple isolated outbreaks, traces its path as a political ideal.
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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  • Title Después de Zapata. El movimiento jaramillista y los orígenes de la guerrilla en México (1940-1962)
    Author Padilla, Tanalís; Rayas Velasco, Lucía
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9786079564124
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2015
    Pages 328
    Format Printed
    THEMA Collective accounts of events
    Synopsis As an agrarian martyr, Zapata became the spiritual leader of the peasants in Mexico. Part history, part legend, their fight went beyond the acts to keep alive the defense of the lands and the rights achieved. However, its symbolism, like that of the Revolution, was adopted by the State to legitimize a system of abuses that contravened the achievements of the armed struggle and led to new movements in defense of workers and peasants.
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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  • Title La cárcel del feminismo. Hacia un pensamiento islámico decolonial
    Author Adlbi Sibai, Sirin
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9786079564186
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2016
    Pages 320
    Format Printed
    THEMA Epistemology. causality. human gender
    Synopsis Inspired mainly by Latin American decolonial thought, the so-called Third Wave feminisms and the Islamic thought of the Moroccan philosopher Taha Abderrahman, this work proposes a profound critique of the epistemological foundations of Islamic feminisms, while exploring the urgency of a decolonial Islamic thought as the answer and perhaps the only, but not unified, possible solution to the crisis of contemporary Islamic thought. It is an invitation to begin a different journey of true Islamic intracultural and intracivilizational dialogic introspection whose basic premise is paradoxically based on "the consciousness of Non-Being" in the context of the "empire of the annulment of the Other" and that offers us real possibilities of liberation and regeneration, as well as an anti-capitalist, anti-sexist, anti-patriarchal, anti-racist, anti-class and anti-colonial reintegration into the presents and futures from which, as colonized subjects, we have been expelled. From a renewed decolonial reading of Islamophobia as one of the structures of power, control, government and subalternization of Islam and Muslims in the modern/colonial world-system, this research shows how Islamic feminist discourses are a reactive response to it. . In this sense, they can be read from what Judith Butler has called "the paradox of subjectivization", which is that the discourses that resist such norms are themselves enabled or created, even by those same norms, which represents a constitutive limitation that, although it does not annul their capacity for social agency, does turn them into repetitive or rearticulating discourses inherent to power.
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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  • Title Antología de Enrique Dusse. La Filosofía de la Liberación
    Author Dussel Ambrosini, Enrique Domingo; Bautista Segales, Juan José; Colmenares Lizárraga, Katya
    Publisher EdicionesAkal México
    Imprint AKAL
    ISBN 9786078683628
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2021
    Pages 992
    Format Printed
    THEMA Critical philosophy
    Synopsis This anthology shows the fundamental thesis of the Philosophy of Liberation as a thinking that arises from a locus enuntiationis (place of enunciation) located in the exterior, on the geopolitical, cultural, economic, political, military periphery of the global South, with an active position in living in a dependent, neocolonial world. As an act of decolonizing rebellion, the Philosophy of Liberation observed in dominated peoples, excluded from modern civilization—and, therefore, from its thought—the opportunity to display a broader horizon than that of mere Eurocentrism. Starting from world history, Dussel situates philosophical thinking from the otherness of the Other, nothingness, non-being, “the widow, the orphan, the stranger” (as Hammurabi describes them in his Babylonian code of law) and the poor, an alterity from which criticism can be made of any system (economic, political, epistemological, philosophical, gender, cultural, racial, etc.) that closes on itself. Dussel is inspired by his favorite authors (Latin American and European, from Salazar Bondy or Freire to Sartre or Heidegger, including Hinkelammert, Levinas, Zea, Ricoeur or Benjamin) and subsumes them in a new decolonizing and critical discourse. The result is not only a new vision of world history, but also new philosophical categories that are refined, specified, as the debates, the years, and the existential places from which one thinks. The intercultural interpellation of indigenous peoples is strengthening the original theses of the Philosophy of Liberation. This work is dedicated in memory of Dr. Juan José Bautista (+2021), who left us too soon, and his wife Dr. Katya Colmenares who prepared this anthology and wrote its introduction.
    foreign rights contact Jorge Betanzos


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