Mostrando 13–24 de 64 resultados de "EDICIONES ERA"

  • Title Los brotes de la milpa. Mitología mesoamericana
    Author Alfredo López Austin
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074456400
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2024
    Pages 248
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA History of the Americas: pre-Columbian period
    Synopsis From the myth of the Sun’s birth through the sacrifice of two gods at Teotihuacan, the flood that reorganized the world, the origin of human beings and the creation of land animals, up to the deep transformation of the indigenous understanding of the cosmos because of the colonial regime, this book offers valuable materials for the construction of Mesoamerican mythology. In these versions, prepared, prefaced and commentated on by Alfredo López Austin, it is possible to listen to the magnificent voices of the Popol Vuh, the Leyenda de los dos Soles and, amongst others, to numerous Quiché, Huichol, Mixe, Nahua, Maya and Tzeltal tales.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title El conejo en la cara de la luna. Ensayos sobre la mitología de la tradición mesoamericana
    Author Alfredo López Austin
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074454314
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2016
    Pages 179
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA History of the Americas: pre-Columbian period
    Synopsis In eighteen delightful and brief essays, this book provides a varied, accessible and enjoyable vision of the traditions that, since centuries before the Spanish Conquest until today, explain the origin of names, eclipses and stars; they deal with cacao, the cold and the hot, the right and left hands, our first fathers, tlacuaches and, of course, with the visible rabbit on the face of the Moon
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Mapa de México Tenochtitlán y sus contornos hacia 1550
    Author Miguel León-Portilla; Carmen Aguilera
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074454437
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2016
    Pages 175
    Format Printed
    THEMA History of the Americas: pre-Columbian period
    Synopsis Known as the Uppsala Map and probably elaborated at the Colegio de Santa Cruz, Tlatelolco, by a mestizo tlacuilo or by a recently acculturated native, the map interweaves indigenous and Reinassance views. It contains 120 toponymic glyphs of the towns that surrounded the valley’s lakes, as well as occidental style drawings of Tenochtitlan’s main structures with their Spanish names.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Felipe Ángeles, el estratega
    Author Adolfo Gilly
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074455342
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2023
    Pages 800
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Biography: historical, political and military
    Synopsis This account of Felipe Ángeles’s life is a vindication of history as a literary genre. This biography portrays not only the incidents of a lifetime, but also the knowledge, the convictions, the dreams and the ideal figures that inspired it. It also describes that great movement of the minds and the bodies that a revolution implies, a rising tide which Ángeles joined without giving up his ideas or abdicating of his own ways to inhabit this world.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Los hongos alucinantes
    Author Fernando Benítez
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9789684116290
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2012
    Pages 128
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Social groups: religious groups and communities
    Synopsis Myth or reality, hallucinogenic mushrooms have become a field of study whose objective is to find some elusive truths about the mechanisms of our conscience and our being. In this book, its author not only summarizes the history of magical drugs, he also offers the vivid testimony of his own experience with mushrooms and his involvement in the ritual ceremony headed by the famous María Sabina.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title En la tierra mágica del peyote
    Author Fernando Benítez
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9789684116344
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2008
    Pages 192
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Social groups: religious groups and communities
    Synopsis In this book Benítez shows us how the huichol people, by repeating in their mystical pilgrimage to the San Luis Potosí desert the sacred hunt made by the gods in the primary time, aspire to become contemporary to their gods. The repetition of the myth is, thus, the Eternal Return to the beginning, to the age without boundaries where divine sacrifice established the order of being and life.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title A cada cual su cielo
    Author Fabio Morábito
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074456110
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2020
    Pages 120
    Format Printed
    THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
    Synopsis A cada cual su cielo is written, in a way, against the idea of importance. Minimal situations acquire an unexpected superiority: the poet has expanded his method of looking at things in such a way that he can’t find considerable differences between them. The feet of Turkish women; bed sheets hung up at the rooftop that free us from the idea of God; the consent to lose a tooth for each well-written poem are some of the glimmers that strike the poet from different angles, forcing him to dig every time in a new direction to find meaning in his life.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title La tinta negra y roja. Antología de poesía náhuatl
    Author Miguel León-Portilla
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074451979
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2012
    Pages 352
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Poetry anthologies (various poets)
    Synopsis The texts we nowadays know as náhuatl poetry are for the most part a result of the invaluable work of Miguel León-Portilla, who dedicated all his life to the study of the náhuatl culture from the most diverse perspectives. This book’s purpose, beyond presenting the poems in their original language, is to offer an approximate idea of the poetic sensitivity that was a part of the náhuatl way of life.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Versión
    Author David Huerta
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9789684116450
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2012
    Pages 80
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
    Synopsis Versión is a coherent link in a poetic journey that goes on, without regrets, without ever laying out to rest under the shadow of its insights, of its celebrated inquiries which places this book as an unavoidable reference of contemporary poetry in Spanish
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title La calle blanca
    Author David Huerta
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9789684116672
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2006
    Pages 120
    Format Printed
    THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
    Synopsis This book is at once a poetic ethics, a philosophy of knowledge, a reflection on the unhinging of perception; one, or rather many poetic theories, some cryptic, some that mock themselves, some completely unexpected. It is also, in every way, a parable about words, their mysteries and miracles, and a genealogy and archaeology of thought
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Incurable
    Author David Huerta
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074455120
    Edition number 2
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 389
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
    Synopsis The poet faces the words, the multiple and profound meaning of words, and transcribes the insatiable telegram of the Incurable: the one that now understands it all, the one that throws into the abyss of love all the passion and all the joyfulness of language. Incurable is more than a great poem: it is a lesson in intimacy with inspiration and in the full command of form. First published in 1987, today it is a classic masterpiece in Mexican literature.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title El ovillo y la brisa
    Author David Huerta
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074455007
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2018
    Pages 133
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Modern and contemporary poetry
    Synopsis Prose’s appetites were defined against the dark background of poetical rhythms and they never abandoned them fully; they searched for their own horizons, their own laws and ways of assuming a memory and a tenacious will of form. This is how poetic prose and prose poems were born. This book insatiably looks for the horizon in which it is to be read. It finds it just to lose it a few moments later.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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