Mostrando 61–64 de 64 resultados de "EDICIONES ERA"

  • Title Rosas negras
    Author Mario González Suárez
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074454260
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2015
    Pages 201
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
    Synopsis One night, a fat, sensual, greedy man dines with his friends and suddenly, without moaning, he collapses over the table. His body is examined, pronounced dead, cremated and deposited in an urn. But his ghost lingers; however, it can’t travel at will since it is trapped in an electric lamp. That is the anecdote that serves as an excuse to involve us in the life of a small city during the Porfiriato dictatorship at the end of the 19th Century. This story features the pleasures of serialized novels and of ghost stories, with the always present capacity of Ana García Bergua to find the deep wisdom of the naïve, of the good people.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title La bomba de San José
    Author Ana García Bergua
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074451931
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2012
    Pages 344
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
    Synopsis In this fun and joyful book, Ana García Bergua recalls the way Mexico City was in the Sixties: a daring and naïve place where poets worked at brand-new advertising agencies and painters are done painting murals and wives want to stop being obedient, and where the creative impulses are so big that even a relative to the President aspires to create a film masterpiece, with the sparkling presence of the Costa Rican vedette “la Bomba de San José".
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Fuego 20
    Author Ana García Bergua
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074454659
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2017
    Pages 312
    Format Print and digital
    THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
    Synopsis Spinoza said that no one knows what a body can do. Ana García Bergua asks, instead, what can a ghost do. What can it do when it abandons a body but still needs to communicate with the ones that have one; what happens when it still wants to move around the city it used to live in; what consequences does its attempts to transmit its affections produce; in sum, what happens with its desire? That is the fire that burns in Fuego 20.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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  • Title Las afueras
    Author Luis Jorge Boone
    Publisher Ediciones Era
    ISBN 9786074450675
    Edition number 1
    Publication year 2011
    Pages 248
    Format Printed
    THEMA Modern and contemporary fiction: general and literary
    Synopsis The landscape of Monclova and Cuatro Ciénegas (in northern Mexico) is the scenery where two brothers’ lives, loves and deaths intertwine. Narrated with a poetic rhythm, this story about friendship, jealousy and violence, initiation and maturity, also suggests the absences and ghosts that wander across the Mexican desert. This novel shows an author capable of managing all of realisms’ registers, from the most naked and filthy ones to those which defeat the expectations.
    foreign rights contact Michelle Pérez Lobo


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